Show me WHAT to eat

Most clients seeking my services ask: Can you give me menus? Can you show me what to eat? Can you give me a weight loss/ or weight gain/ or healthy eating guide?

Yes, I can – pretty easily in fact. Some people make a lot of money selling these types of plans to you. And the good news is that it will work…short term! Most ‘diets’ work while you’re on them, you’ll lose weight/gain weight/regulate health….whatever the goal as long as you stick to them. And the menus do take the guessing game out of it. They take away the decision fatigue by showing you what you’re eating (like wearing a uniform to work), and they can provide inspiration for new meals or expose you to foods you don’t habitually eat.

Why might having someone dictate for you what to eat sound lovely initially but not serve you best long term? The recidivism rates on ‘diets’ sits somewhere around 97%….meaning those who go on a diet for the purpose of weight loss will regain the weight (if not more) 97% of the time. The more diets you go on is referred to as weight cycling. Weight cycling may be more detrimental to your health than having stayed your original weight over time.

My aim when I work with a client is to create stability and sustainability. If my goal is a clients overall health and wellbeing, then its in my best interest to show them HOW to eat. Empowering clients with the tools to integrate stability and balance into their daily lives. Stability meaning eating at consistent times every day and balance of food groups at meals, ensuring they get the recommended food groups throughout their day.

The best and most proven tip (of ALL diets) is to eat breakfast, midday, and evening meal at about the same times every day. Aim for the following plate balance method. Not only will this ensure balance of nutrients at your meals but it will help ensure adequacy of all the food group recommendations throughout the day (without ever having to count calories).


Sleep…It does the body good


But I’m not hungry in the morning…