But I’m not hungry in the morning…

Most people have heard the phrase “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” And yet, most of the people I work with wouldn’t eat breakfast. They often say ‘they aren’t hungry in the morning’  or that ‘they aren’t a breakfast person’. Some say they can’t get up in the morning and prefer the extra sleep, or maybe they are just ‘too busy’ rushing before work or school. So, why is this? Why might a person not feel like breakfast and how can we alter this to get the most important meal into the day.

We know that during the night, hormones fluctuate. Some of these hormones can affect appetite, leading to a lower desire for food in the morning and an increased appetite later in the day/evening. Plus, eating large meals in the evening and late at night, can contribute to decreased hunger in the morning. Its a bit of vicious cycle. We also know that people living with obesity can have dysregulated hunger, meaning their hunger and fullness cues can be experienced differently to people living without obesity.

If this resonates with you or someone you know, why might you consider changing your eating pattern to include breakfast. People who eat breakfast are better able to manage their hunger and fullness throughout the day. They tend to eat less at other meals, make more mindful food choices, get in more nutrients for optimum health, and have improved alertness and concentration (important for both work and school). It also helps to establish a stable meal pattern which is the backbone of improved weight management.

Sometimes I use the analogy of your metabolism like a slow burning fire, in order to keep the fire burning efficiently for longer you have to stroke it every couple hours with more fuel. Feeding a lot of fuel on a low burning fire at one time doesn’t do as much to keep the fire going. The same is true with your metabolism, it helps to keep your body stable using small more frequent meals than large ones once or twice a day.

Some easy ways to get breakfast in include:

  • Marry an old habit with a new one. If you drink a glass of water or a cup of coffee, add a piece of fruit or a slice of whole wheat/brown bread with it.

  • –Start small. You don’t need to have a whole meal when you’re trying to establish a new routine. Start with small bowl of cereal or a piece of toast with a small yogurt. Easy to prep and quick to eat.

  • –Grab and go. Place a piece of fruit or a cereal bar next to your keys. If you’re rushing to work or school, then you can grab them together and eat it on the way. Or prep the night before with some overnight oats or yogurt parfait, ready to go in the morning with you.

I always recommend establishing the eating point first. We can build on your breakfast routine, but you need to start introducing some food as the first step.


Show me WHAT to eat


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